
He pro-tech but he also a tack

I actually got a full night's sleep last night, better use all that extra energy to stay up all night tonight looking at memes

Welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous, i'm seeing a lot of new faces in the crowd this week, and i have to say i'm disappointed

Currently helping my son search for his chocolate that i ate last night

I actually got a full night's sleep last night, better use all that extra energy to stay up all night tonight looking at memes

This is a long doggo, upvote to have literally zero impact on your life

Tired of being single, just lower your standards a bit, my new girlfriend is a coconut taped to a mop

University, hey wanna hear a joke, sure, a job, i don't get it, i know you don't

Let's watch this fireworks video i took a year ago, said no one ever

When you're given all the tools to succeed in life but you are too dumb to use them